OK, this is getting serious! We just took the little American Eskimo, River to my aunt's last week. We still have Rusty to place in a home.
Yesterday afternoon a little scruffy, tick covered poodle, "Sally" shows up on our road.
This evening while feeding, a skeletal black puppy with huge ears shows up at the gate, tail-tucked between his legs. He seriously reminded me of some movie where the orphan boy says something like "Excuse me, is this the place where lost boys can go?" So sad, covered in ticks, foxtails and limping from a torn toe-nail
He looks like a juvenile mostly black German Shephard mix. We fed him and put a bed out front of the front door. Kelly said when he lay down, he gave a huge groan of appreciation [
] They spent about 30 minutes picking ticks and we put a tick collar on him. Tomorrow we'll work on him some more when it's light but he'll have to stay outside for now. When the girls brought him in the front gate, my husband looked out the window and groaned "nooooooo!" We're calling him "Jamie" as we live on James Kenny Rd.
I was taking little Sally to my vet tomorrow to check for a microchip so if he'll get in the car, we'll take him too but I doubt if he has one.
What is going on around here???????