First off my keyboard space bar sticks, lol I am horrible on grammar and spelling. I hope to gain a lot of advise and support. I live in a vary rural area. this town has a smiths, family dollar, two pawn shops and casino's out the end.
I can go one of three ways and the Wal-Mart is still about 2 1/2 hours away. my equine vet is 2 1/2 hours in salt lake my small animal vet is in Twin falls no traffic we can make the drive in about 2 hours but not always are luck. I was using a vet from wells About 45 minuet drive but she missed one visit, then eight weeks later I went to take my horses to her and rolled my trailer. She found out she was prego I just found a new fairer that is out of Wellsville UT and she out us on a six week rotation. but she needs at least 10 horses or she will cancel.
I walked away from horses after a vary bad fall resulting in my horse Spanky having to be put down. Two days ago was the vary first time I successfully trotted without having a panic attack! Being so vary remount and because of a language barrier, a trainer is not that feasible. however if I can find a way to send my kids on a vacation for two weeks I can haul my horse and my self one that is 3 hours away

if you have any questions ask