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Yikes - Sunday in the ER

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Yikes - Sunday in the ER
  • Yesterday afternoon was spent in the ER. 

    My wife was feeding her 17 year old and her 2 year old  carrots at the gate. The 17 year old is the boss of the pasture and he decided the 2 year had to leave. As he swung his head around to chase the 2 year old off, he hit my wife's hand throwing it into the gate and also wacked the gate and knocked one of his teeth practically out.

    She ended up with 30 stitches and he has a dangling tooth that I think will fall out by the end of the day. He has no problem eating but we will probably have a vet/dentist out to check him out.

    Lesson Learned, no treats at the gate!
  • Very lucky. Treats at the gate is a very bad idea. So is having your hands anywhere where they can be knocked into or against anything solid. I teach kids never to reach through fences and/or gates to pet or feed horses.
  • Wow!  30 stitches!  Well, we all do stupid things, but usually only once ':)'  What is it they say about experience is the best teacher.  Glad it wasn't worse than that.   I think when it's cold, they get grumpier in food situations too.  Mine tend to pull the hierarchy card more severely with each other.  Hope she feels OK.
  • OH OH NO!  You be sure to kiss it for us! [':D']

    Whenever someone is in the pasture with me I always tell them they won't do anything to you intentionally but you always have to keep eyes open because the alpha might lunge at the others, etc.  Now that one is blind it's even trickier.  A keen eye, what what.....

    That sounds really painful for your wife.  I think hands hurt probably the worst.  If it was cold out - I hate to imagine.   Please tell her we're thinking about her.
  • Ouch!!!! Glad it was not worse. 
  • OUCH!!! Really feel for ya! You know what they say not if you re going to hurt,its when you are going to!Thats how we learn and luckily not mortally injured its Oop! we wont do that again!!!Like when I took a bucket a feed out and the alpha gelding ran the other one over me. Luckily face down in the muck, Didnt hurt. Got up from that one and had to check to make sure I was still in one piece!Only one of many stories I could tell on myself.I am sure you made the ER Docs day as it was something different!!Take care and make sure it doesnt get infected!!
  • The ER staff were great!  Triage nurse made the comment, "is that the best you could do"!

    We have a friend that works at the hospital and we have learned we were lucky and got the GOOD staff. Everyone we came into contact with had a great attitude, apparently that is not the case with everyone, which can be expected in any job.
  • I work at a hospital and the nurses on the orthopedic floor love to come tell me about their patients who have been in horse wrecks. They think we are all crazy, but thats what makes the world go around. Hope your wife is doing ok. Know that has got to be really sore!!Did the horse lose the tooth?
  • The horse did loose a tooth. It was barely hanging there the day after. We have a friend who has had horses all her life and is a nurse. We cut the tooth out ourselves. NOW, it was barely hanging so all we had to do was a little snip, no digging! Put him on Bute for a few days as well.

    My wife was admitted to the hospital yesterday. We went to the family doctor and they didn't want to deal with it, because they felt it was way out of their league and with a hand being as complex as it is.... The intention was to get her an appointment with an orthopedic but as it was late in the day that was not going to happen. By admitting her it would force an orthopedic to see her that night, which once did. To make matters worse, she also got into poison oak that morning. Anyway, the orthopedic drained the fluid and saw that it showed no signs of infection. They were to take xrays last night, which the ER did not do to everyone's amusement, and then a hand specialist will determine next steps. They also hooked up the IV to get some stronger antibiotics in her. Hopefully the xrays will show nothing and that will be the end of the story.

    With a hand, better safe than sorry and fix things now rather than later.
  • Awwww, sorry to hear her hand is causing problems.  Sometimes it takes a while.  Had a dog bite my hand pretty severely, bone ended up infected, etc.  About 5 mos. later, my hand was functional again ':('  Hang in there.  Too bad you have to force their hand (no pun intended!) to get the treatment she deserves.  Sigh.....
  • So sorry to hear about the problems.Much better off with an ortho doc. Sure hope she does well and no more problems!!
  • Ortho finally showed up at 4PM yesterday, she was in surgery at 6:30 PM. It had become infected and the skin at the site was dead. She will have 2nd surgery Monday and if infection is totally gone they will do skin graft Monday. If not, there will be another surgery.

    We are glad we didn't wait to see a doctor. (HINT HINT FYI)

    Sadly, we now have to cancel a major horse trip we were planning for Jan 28 - Jan 31. We were taking 9 horses to a 3000 acre reserve in North Myrtle Beach, SC.  Great place to ride as you can ride through pecan groves, salt water marshes and the beach. We had ridden their horses 2 years ago and have dreamed for 2 dreams of taking our own horses. In the off season they take most of their horses to NC and open up the barn for you to bring your own horses. Guess we will dream a little bit longer.

    We do have another trip planned to look forward to, Hitchcock Woods in Aiken, SC They have 65 miles of trails. In the center their is an old 1 mile race track which was used in the 30's for TB training.

  • Bummer about your trip but glad your wife is getting the care she needs.  Hope this weekend she gets to come home ':)'
  • Sure am sorry things got so complicated!
    Sorry you had to 'postpone' your trip, too!  (That was over my birthday...sure wish I could have joined ya!)
    Make sure you let us know how your wife 'turns out'....K?
  • Thoughts and prayers are with you both. Hoping to hear good news soon. Know she has got to be miserable!