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Catastrophic Carolina Sunday

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Catastrophic Carolina Sunday
  • There's a video of a mobile home floating down a river like a house boat.  Then it catches on some trees and just disintegrates.  A hospital (in VA I think) up to the second floor windows with the flood and all the patients on the roof awaiting rescue.  Today the view shows the Hospital above (barely) the flood waters but the grounds are awash still.  Videos of floods all over the east coast.  And yet it's hot and dry here on the West Coast.  A-freaking-mazing!  I look at those and shiver.   I hope Face and his crowd are okay.  Not to mention Hunter.

    As if having the neighbors harass and intimidate, the impending forced move of the Container, if I can even get this done.  And now, just for fun, the drains are backing up in the house!  Life's Grand, ain't it???

    Off to get a tank of water today.  The well continues to under perform.  If I can, I might get a second later today.  Thank God for good friends who share their water!


    Fun, fun, fun...

  • We and the horses are good. I really didn't prep for this storm as I would normally, why, because the cone was far far away. However, we were on the eastern side of the storm which is the worse side. Normally I would stock up on gas for generators and stock up on water as much as possible.

    Interestly, SC had the most power outages, more than FL and GA. The SC power grid was hit harder than when Hurricane Hugo took a direct hit over Charleston in '89. We lost power Friday morning and it was out for about 31 hours. Ran out of gas after 4 1/2 hours. However, gas station with ethanol  free gas was open and I resuppllied. I only use ethanol free in small engines.  There are still 700,000+ without power in SC, so I am thankful. It could be a couple weeks for everyone to get power back. There was so much debris on the driveway you could not see the driveway. No major trees down on our property that we have seen, yet. At the barn a huge tree came down but it only blocks a horse trail. It so so large it isn't worth cutting through it to open that trail up. The creek between the barn and the upper psature flooded and cut off access between the barn and the upper pasture.  

    Our power company completed a MAJOR right of way cleanup in our area about 2 weeks ago. They do this every 5+ years and that probably helped us a lot. Doesn't stop big trees but keeps a lot of the smaller stuff that can do damage off the lines.

  • Glad to hear you're okay Face.  I was rather concerned when I read that a dam (maybe two) failed.  Even saw video of a coffin floating down a rather disastrously swollen river.   Horrible, just horrible...

    Weather here is beautiful.  Hot again, but not suffocatingly so.

    Still struggling to get the Container moved to the neighbor's property.  Bloody things heavy!

  • Thankful you are safe, Face.  I am blessed to live in an area where flooding is not apt to happen but it does occur within 10 miles of me.  

    Hard to understand in a secular way why there are floods and droughts in the same country.