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Tuesday after

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Tuesday after
  • the local tornadods. I think the closest to me was three miles to my south.  Thankful that the unanticipated tornadoes that acompanied the expected heavy thunderstorms did property damage, but as far as I know, did not destroy any life.  I lost some plants...tall marigolds in a pot but that beats losing a tree or pet. My son living NNW of me called to be sure I was okay after the news reported the tornado so close to me.

    I, too, am concerned about Stude.  Hoping he just has no means of communicating with us, and that he and all of his charges are safe.  Praying.

    Since the storms have passed, the temps should be cooler for a few days...a much appreciated change.

    Cherish has enough weight now where I am wanting to ride her.  

    I start PT today on my hips....hoping to restart my exercise program which went down the tubes last year when I had lipoma surgery followed by gall bladder issues/surgery...kind of knocked the stuffing out of me.  I am healed and they are no longer a legit excuse for letting myself get weak.

    Praying the storms avoid you and yours, Face.

    Have a super week, all.

  • Studeclunker, marked Safe from the Park Fire!  Very busy, very much cooked from the heat.  Park Fire stalled and then went east into an area already burnt off.  Still dealing with lack of water and borderline heat stroke.  Other than that, A-OK!

    Face, Our gracious Lord's protection over you and yours!  Hopefully you are far enough inland that the Hurricane does little or, hopefully, no damage.

    Connie, tornadoes... I can't imagine living with that.  Likely my reaction would be to build underground, like a Hobbit.

  • We are far enough end that we are just getting steady wind and low winds. The storm is moviing off the coast a LITTLE today and we get a break from the rain this morning. Then moves in with more potential with flooding rains. We are at the edge of the flooding concerns. This storm is just hanging around. Usually they come and go rather quickly. This one is spending the week in the area. One of our favorite restaraunts at the coast, down below Charleston, got wipe out by a tornado. The roads into Charleston were all closed due to flooding.

  •  Stude and Face, SO THANKFUL you are both safe.  

    This is not really a tornado area but we do get one once in a while...weather this year has been crazy, however.  As a child, I remember a hurricane coming this far inland and my parents lost part of their roof...however, I am not in a flood or fire zone and my house is built on a poured foundation and the garage is attached with a room under it that is earth sheltered two sides, house sheltered on one and one opens out to the back yard...that room has concrete walls, floor, and ceiling...the builder was a bridge builder.

    The Hurricane in SC was tracking WNW some yesterday and may come up through this area but should only bring rain....something I am rather tired of.

    Hope all are well and ready for a great day.

    She waits for me by the gate now.

  • "She waits for me by the gate now."

    Feels good, doesn't it?  #:~D

     Face, that's why I don't live in the valley.  I live on the mountain.  God promised He would never flood the Earth that much again.  All the same, I do live in the shadow of two active Volcanoes.   At least I don't live ON the volcano like my Father's ranch was.  Lassen is as active in her sleep as a two-year-old!  She's constantly Rolling over in her sleep and wriggling about as the water seeps in below the surface and tickles her.  Not a lot better here though.  We can tell by the orientation and colour where all the rocks on the property came from.  If they orient north and are black-ish, they came from Shasta.  If oriented South-East and reddish, then Lassen, and much more recent.

    Well, Raven got her feet done today.  The Farrier said it seems like they were just here.  He did remark that she is showing problems again with her rear feet.  Funny, she isn't lame and is quite active.  Raven has been off her Pain Med for a couple of weeks and I'm considering discontinuing it for the rest of the summer at this point.  Will likely have to start up again in October when it gets colder.

    Headed back to Fawn Lodge for a few days to drop off cat food and return the gas money that Dave lent me.  Was going to leave today, however I want to get the automatic drip irrigation set up first, so will leave tomorrow.  Really looking forward to being home, or at least what is home for the next few months.

    Looks like I may have found a county in South Dakota who will license, or at least transfer, my Ford PU.  I really need to get this going because it will be for moving the big trailers to Oak Run.  That and the Horse Trailer/Moving Van.  Not looking forward to the appetite of that big 460! <rolleyes>

    Well, nothing really interesting around here now.  IE: back to normal. #:~D  Hope everyone has a great week.  Hope you can tie everything down tight enough Face, and the flood doesn't get up to you!