Posted : 5/11/2024 7:12:54 PM
Years ago Jmebear experienced quite a blow pass over her place. One of the neighbor's oaks blew down into her mini's paddock. She came out to find no minis anywhere and was terrified they had been crushed by the falling tree. She opened a gate to pass through the barn and suddenly all their heads poked out of the foliage and looked at her. They all popped out of sight and Jmebear noticed the tree shivering and shifting about. The little mares were having a blast climbing about in the wreckage of the tree eating the leaves and acorns.
Another time, she heard a loud noise, kind of like a thump whilst also feeling the house move about a bit from a heavy wind passing over. Her cart shed was a heavy tin building that was secured to the ground with long stakes. It had been picked up , flipped upside down and deposited in the same paddock. This time she could see the mares, having taken refuge in the barn, poking their heads out briefly and snorting at the great, huge monster which had lept into their paddock!
Oak Run experiences wind storms on a regular basis. We have had a lot of interesting experiences from this kind of thing.