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Friday Front

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Friday Front
  • A cold front came in last evening.
    Only 58* this morning and only a high of 70*
    It won't last
    Temps creep back up tomorrow.
    But no rain in sight and winds gusting from 20-30mph.
    The cracks in the ground are getting big.
    Any free time I have will need to be spent watering.

    Another trip to town today.
    Need to do errands in Kville, bank and prescriptions.

    No ride scheduled until Sunday.

    I hope everyone's week was good.
  • Well, we've been exercising the generator the past three days.  Why?  Because California is determined to prove, once again, Socialism doesn't work!

    Went to a friends house earlier this week and had a good time.  They live on several hundred acres and the whole family is scattered around it.  Nice dirt/gravel roads and courteous motorists.  Had to walk most of the time because Jmebear was riding her new pony.  He's somewhat insecure and doesn't like being left behind.  Socks liked moseying.  Odd how with just that little bit of exercise he got sweaty.  My fat old boy needs to get out more.

    Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend.  We're certainly enjoying life much more now that the 21st century has returned.