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Sunday Swelter

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Sunday Swelter
  • We have 100* temps forecast all week.
    And no rain.

    Yesterday's ride went really well.
    Jet really likes Ransom. They became fast friends.
    Ransom had one spook but otherwise was fine.

    We had to work on standing still but Ransom is getting it.
    He was poorly treated and roughly ridden until he was injured and thrown away.

    I hope everyone is cooler than us.

  • Granddaughter headed home yesterday after being with us for two weeks. Her parents were amazed at how far her horse skills and confidence around horses has improved this year.  40 round bales delivered over the weekend and 10 more  waiting for when we need them. Farrier came yesterday and was happy with how Fancy's hoof and healing up after the abscess.

  • Face's mention of Fancy's recovery reminds me of Raven.  To recap: Raven came to us foundered in all four feet.  Road Founder was the best guess and diagnosis.  After nearly two years now, she is sound.  We still haven't put her back to work, however that's mainly because of time issues.  I hope to get her back in harness and cart soon.  All this misery and political turmoil and a small spark of hope.

    I do wonder sometimes what happened to Crystal.  One can only hope Raven's previous owner traded her off for an obscene profit and she is in a good home and will be okay.