Have been having a wicked pain in my right hip.  Ibuprofen kept it under control but it was growing steadily worse.  Got in to see a medical person yesterday, and she said I have torqued my sacroiliac .  Rest, muscle relaxers, and Ibuprofen. oh, also set up for physical therapy.  No taking care of the wood stove (too much bending) no wheel barrow work (too much twisting)  So, looks like Whisper is going to have someone else do her stall or I am going to have to use the manure baskets and drag them..not sure how to lift and dump?  Oh well, at least no bony growths or broken bits.  I lost two fights with the wheel barrow before this happened.  Splitting wood after that didn't help.

I met the new vet in the area.  My favorite horsedealer had a gelding that was too young and too well broke to ship to a sale and wanted him checked out.  I gave him the phone numbers and he brought the horse down, only 100 mile trip for him, one way.  10 miles for me.  The vet diagnosed the issues...horse off on both ends, and gave him some injections.  Loved loved loved talking Standardbreds with the vet...his wife is a driver.  He showed me some race videos...has remarkable stock.  I got offered a companion horse for Whisper.  I told him one that is only a companion is not quite what I want but one that can't race but is fine for light riding could come here.  Of course, I fell for the horse that was there for treatment.  He shipped in from Texas about a year ago and spent all last summer working in a handicapped camp.  Very calm and sensible.  Not a pretty horse, but a good horse.

Hope all are well. Stude, I hope you get plenty of precipitation to keep you going for the summer/fall.