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Monday Moving

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Monday Moving
  • closer to 2020.
    Any one have plans for celebrating?

    No real plan for today other than the usual chores.
    Not sure what MaderChica wants to do.
    They only have a couple days before heading back to the arctic.

    I hope everyone has an enjoyable day!

  • I have never really understood New Year's celebrations.  In most cases it just seems to be an excuse for carousing and drunkenness.   Because of this, I make a point of staying off the road from 30th of December to 2nd of January every year.  Driving on New Years was always worrisome with Greyhound.

    Stalls to clean and trailer to work on today.

    Hope everyone has a safe and prosperous new year.

  • No big plans. Best to stay home. SC is the 3rd most deadly state to drive during New Years. Weather will be nice New Years day so hopefully we will get a ride in, it has been a while. Have had LOTS of rain in December. Normal is around 3-4 inches, ended with well over 10. 2020 looks to start out wet as well and we expect major rain Thur and Frid. I try not to complain about rain as we were heading back to a drought in the early Fall.