Volunteer day.
And Thanksgiving boxes go out at Help Center.
I need to head over there a half hour earlier this afternoon.

Yesterday I dropped a pick up load at Resale for my friend Kay who recently lost her husband Gale.
Hunterseat you may remember them? They helped with our wedding set up.
While there we got 3 more pickup loads so I stayed till noon to help.

We are crazy busy at the shop.
We are having to double up volunteer teams at both cash register and in the warehouse.
And we are blowing up the budget. (finally) such an awesome crew we have!

Our rain chances are fizzling out but it is not stopping my migraine.
Neuro gave me new meds but they just knock me out, wear off and I awaken still with headache.
At least I can get some good sleep.

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday!