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Monday Move

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Monday Move
  • The low pressure needs to move out of here.
    I have had a migraine for 3 days. It has to go!

    We have heat advisory for the next couple days.
    Maybe some relief coming by the weekend.

    B and I did a short ride. Then we bathed 4.

    Any advice on sudden brittle tail hair?
    Jet has always had a wimpish tail.
    But there is something going on with him.

    Meeting for me today.
    I hope some meds work.

    Have a wonderful start of the week!

  • Daughter in law caught a plane in the middle of the night.  She is going back to HI since she has to be at work.  I will miss her, she is a wonderful woman. My sons have each picked a great lady to share their lives with.

    Coggins test finally came.  Whisper is legal to go anywhere  now.She is showing more life now than she ever has.  Glad to see it.

    I have three house cats and a feral colony at the barn.  One of this year;s kittens came over to the house and since the kids are using a bedroom on the lower level it got their attention.  I found out it has been sleeping with them.  I do NOT need another house cat.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • This past weekend the weather was wonderful. A taste of Fall. Made for a great ride with Fancy and Apache. Apache was stubborn on the way to the barn and figured he would be a pain, but he ended up being great on the trails.