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very sad Monday

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very sad Monday
  • Our barn was quiet at feeding time tonight.  It was quiet for buckets, too quiet.  A sad kind of quiet.  No Breezy nickering for hers, nor Jack whinnying for his.  Both of them are now bedded down in the side of the hill for that long sleep.  It was so hard feeding withoutheir joyful chorus.  Harder even than assisting the vet and seeing both of them lie down and never wake up again.  Breezy gave a long contented moan and lay down as if she was looking forward to a well deserved rest.  So all there was left was folding the hill over  them like one of my Grandmother's Eiderdowns and saying good by, good rest.

    I'm going to be gone for a week or so.  Partly because I need some time and partly because where I'm going (Fawn Lodge, etc) there won't be much of any internet.  Hope you all have a great week.  See you next Monday or Tuesday.

  • Stude so sorry.

    Too much sadness.

    My condolences to you and JME bear.

  • Stude, so very sorry.  It is always hard to say goodbye.


  • Thoughts and prayers for you Stude.