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Wednesday Will Ride

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Wednesday Will Ride
  • Finally a chance to ride today.
    It will be hot but I haven't ridden in about 3 weeks?
    And everyone needs work.

    MaderChica is here but she needs a day to sleep.
    My friend Amy is coming to ride with me and get a pick up load of composted manure.

    Pain Doc is awesome.I hate the drive but love him.
    We are going to try and slightly reduce dosage.
    Attitude makes all the difference.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

  • Whisper followed me out of the barn this morning when I went to dump the wheelbarrow.  She proceeded to eat grass with relish.  I went back inside with the wheelbarrow and she almost ran me over to get back in.  She loves grass but, apparently, outside alone is not worth the risk.  The stall is safer.

    Had some nasty storms yesterday.  Not much but heavy rain here but the area got hit with high winds and thunderstorms.

    I need to get riding.  Trying a new allergy treatment so maybe I will be able to go out and actually spend some time outside.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday.

  • Thursday morning.  Whisper saw that I was out with the wheelbarrow so she rushed out and started eating grass like a starving horse.  She watched me and as soon as I started back to the barn she did a sort of roll back and cantered into the barn (15-20 feet from where she was eating).  She went to her stall , came out, met me in the aisle with that "what took you so long" gaze.  If I had coffee with me I would have sat out side for a while so she could eat.