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Friday and ...SNOW!!!

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Friday and ...SNOW!!!
  • The weather guy was right.  We have snow.  Cal says it rained overnight first but I slept through it all.  Yesterday, we were coming back from Vernon and there were little parallel lines in the road, in our lane.  A truck with liquid calcium was somewhere ahead of us and was leaking its load.  The roads it traveled should be well protected against black ice this morning.

    Last night we went and celebrated my youngest grandson's birthday.  He is 10.  It was a great time.  He said his birthday was a really good day when I asked.  He was pleased with his gifts and his party.  He had requested that his cake be decorated with his departed dog's photo.  The bakery did a good job but most of us had tears when we first saw it.  Dutch was a special girl and made me a believer in Malamutes can be wonderful family dogs.  Hairy, but wonderful.

    Oh, Face, I googled the horse hair in pendants and it is something that people do.  Again, it has to be someone who uses the hair you provide.  I know I would appreciate it if I had hair in a pendant from the two most important horses in my life.

    The weekend is starting.  Hope it is great for everyone.

  • Off to Cowies for us today.

    Finish ceiling and painting are the jobs of the day.

    The project is nearing the finish line.

    The benefit for next Saturday is shaping up nicely also.

    Pilot bought me a horse hair bracelet on one of our trips, it broke rather quickly.

    I saved part of a friend's horse's tail for her. She was distraught at the time of his passing and very appreciative that I remembered to do it.

    She tied a piece of leather around it and it hangs with his picture.

    It is what I would prefer rather than a bracelet that I know I would lose or break.

    But I am pretty rough on jewelry.

    Everyone have a great weekend.!