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Wednesday with SUNSHINE!!!

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Wednesday with SUNSHINE!!!
  • Beautiful day out there with wonderful sunshine! Just having the bright sun makes things seem happier.

    The new horse was a buy that was too good to pass up...unless he proves to be a disaster.  He is thin but the girl I got him from managed to put some weight on him in the past two months.  He lost weight after she got him but I think she had him blanketed and she turns them all out with round bales and they establish the order of who gets to eat.

    Once she saw how thin he was, she changed his feeding program.

    Today for the first time since he came last Thursday, they are all outside.  He is in the paddocke and the others are in the barnyard.  Skidder does not mind him.  She is now in heat and thinks he is the most handsome horse she ever met.  It should be safe to turn them all out together in a couple of days.  I will open the gate and they can make their way to the pasture if they so desire.

    Cal thinks he wants Whisper for his horse.  She thinks she is mine. I was hoping the gaited would work for me since I like to ride gaited.  We will see.  He is settling in but I still can't get him filled up.  If he rides quieter than she does, Cal can ride him when we ride together.  How they each ride will be the deciding factor.

    Dental checkup and cleaning today.  For me, not the horses. Not my favorite thing to do.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.  I am typing blind in a way because the computer has decided I can type an entire line before I see it on the screen.

  • Bad storms waltzed across Texas last night.

    We had winds and 2/3 inch rain.  Pastures will really grow now.

    I hope it blew and washed all the pollen away.

    I am sick of being sick.

    Horses are in today and probably tomorrow also.

    We need to go check on and feed the cows. They need some fly stuff.

    And then I'm not sure what the plan is.

    Anyone keeping my email, I have a new one. MKAMPA@hughes.net

    Everyone have a lovely Wednesday!

  • got Socks out today and drove him in the new Polish Phaeton.  Noisy thing, that.  Sounds and rides like a ruddy Tinker's wagon!  It's going to be sold on.  I'm thinking about taking out leaves on the springs to see if it will ride a bit better.  Good news is that the brakes do work, unlike what the previous owner said.

    Socks was a gem.  Behaved perfectly.  Not bad for one of the hottest blooded horse breeds, especially when you consider it has almost been a year since I drove him last.  Lots of cookies for such good behaviour too!

    New front deck is up in front of Jmebear's house.  Temp ramp is ten feet out into the driveway though.  Won't be able to take the Horse trailer out past the front of the house anymore..  But the ramp is temporary... I hope.

    Went to the DMV today to inquire about the registration on my travel trailer.  They robbed my bank account three months early to get the back and current fees and I haven't heard since.  So found out they mailed the tags three weeks ago.  Right.  Sure they did... uh, huh.  I might get them in May.  Thankfully I have no intention of moving the trailer this year.  Anyway, I really like the improvements they did on the facility.  We have been going to a trailer out in the parking lot for four years or so whilst they have been redoing the old building.  The new facility is quite nice!  I expected to be there several hours and it didn't even take one.  Best visit to the DMV in years!

    Pretty much a decent day.  I do hope all that terrible weather missed everyone around here.