Posted : 5/8/2009 12:14:55 PM
Thanks again guys for all the support and encouragement again.
I will say that time is time and while it can heal wounds and fix things, when is too much time? When is my time more valuable and/or more rewarding spent elsewher? These are things I ponder each day.
Hubby and I talked again last night for a long, long, time. Hence my headache and being overtired today. He reminded me of a few things, he gave me a list:
1. I am a great mom, who puts her child first.
2. I am a overly caring person who has a hard time saying NO. (he gave examples)
3. I truly care about horses, but always try to be practical (he said I need more work on the parctical part)
4. He has watched me ride for almost 14 years no and I do not relax on Cane as I do not trust him.
5. He has seen me ride horses with no fear and know I would pull a "man from snowy river stunt" on them and not think twice.
6. He has been told by more than a few people that I am a "heck of a horse hand" and these are people who don't give compliments lightly.
7. As much as I want to I can not fix everything.
8. Cane dumped me twice, and he had said if there was a 3rd time he was going down the road, no if's and or but's.
He then looked at me and said I needed to put my hopes, dreams and goals first. I always put what is best for everyone else ahead of mine and I need to put me first for a change.
So all that being said. Cane is staying with Wanda for 2 more weeks to see what if any progress can be made and I will make a decision then. I will also go down and work with him to see what I think.
Thanks again guys, you have been great. So let's all live in limbo land for a few weeks. I do not want to rush to any decision. I figure it is has been 3 years what is a few more weeks???