Posted : 6/12/2010 10:57:21 PM
Actually, I did go to a doctor after three days because the blood blister kept getting larger and larger. They drained it and offered pain meds, which I brought home, but didn't take. I WAS wearing a helmet since I didn't know the horse well enough (just grooming and groundwork and he always seemed pleasant enough, but I did know he bucked before I brought him home), but it cracked in the fall, so I'm very glad that it wasn't my bare head that hit the ground that hard.
I had a vet come check out the horse because I thought maybe a nerve might have been pinching his back somewhere due to the strange way he was bucking. Also, for a gelding he acts like a stud horse and I wondered if perhaps he was retaining a testicle. Vet gave the all clear on his physical and couldn't find a partially descended testicle caught in the inguinal ring so his hormones are now being tested to see if there is one that hasn't descended.
I got to thinking about it and while he was going well, I had him all by himself. Then I put the little mare with him. He immediately mounted her, and I took her away. After that he became an extremely angry horse. Pinning his ears and swinging his butt towards me, never actually biting or kicking, though. Kind of like a child throwing a tantrum.
Just imagine if you could get all that athleticism working in a positive way.
Not that I'm climbing on him any time soon. Just thinking at the moment.