Posted : 10/5/2022 1:42:29 AM
I would imagine Face is safe from the worst of the storm. IIRC he is located well inland. The Carolinas are much different than the sandbar that makes up most of Florida.
Well, I got a quote from the Vet on the work they want to do on Raven this month. My answer was a flat NO. I just don't have the money to be spending 900$ every few weeks. So, I suppose that's the end for her. Looks like she has Cushings and this will only get worse with each bout. May as well put her down now where I can at least give her a decent burial. She won't get that in Fawn Lodge. Nonetheless, very discouraging. I had hoped she would be a good companion for Socks.
Well, I'm slowly coming along with Socks compound here in Fawn Lodge. I was able to repair a broken post and it really made my day to do so! Got one post hole chipped out of the gravel and rock that passes for soil here. Now I have four more... oh joy. Then I get to start on his barn. Well, for now, likely just a run-in shed.
Still messin' around with vintage trailers, cars, and trucks. Fun... fun... fun. When I have time anyway. Hope everyone has a great week.