Spent a lot of time yesterday on the phone with tech support. Internet is wonky again. The guy set up a repair ticket and thought he had made it better. Nope. Still in and out like the pendulum on a clock. Soooo called tech support and the automated system said they would attempt to reset the system...so far so good. One slight burp, well, now two, but not long lasting. Repair guy comes in about ten days. I like having the computer, am thankful for the smart phone that does not rely on my DSL for service, but really find the in and out service is particularly annoying when I am trying to watch tv. Ok, rant over.
Took a couple of selfies with Whisper yesterday. She hates cuddles. Still, she lets me.
I am doing pretty well with the new to me Fisher wood stove. I am managing to keep the fire going and so far it can get by with being tended twice a day. Thinking of ordering more wood since the wood my son cut is still out in someone's field since he had no way to transport it. The blocks are huge since the tree was at least 3' through and he was blocking the trunk. Heavy buggers even though the tree has been down a couple of years.
I am meeting a friend for lunch today. A pleasant diversion.
Hope all have a wonderful week.