The roofers are taking today off.
It is so loud.
I left yesterday and worked an extra volunteer shift.
My Thursday shift was cut short by my doc appointment.
So I had stuff I wanted to finish.
I hope Stude's Dr. appointment went well.
Mine was fine. Cholesterol a tad high. Always is, an inherited flaw.
Eat more fruits and veggies, of course.
Now the new info is 3 cups of green tea per day.
Pilot is an ice tea drinker but black tea. He says we will try green instead.
And soy in any form. Maybe I'll try some soy milk.
Unusual thing was my blood pressure was elevated. It is always low.
It was Thursday which is my high pressure day.
That could explain.
I also got the shingles shot. Two part vaccine, so second shot in 2 months.
Everyone said how awful it is and you get flue like symptoms.
Didn't bother me except my arm is very sore.
A hint of fall in the air. I pulled out my flannel shirt in preparation.
I love flannel shirts.
Connie enjoy soaking up the last few days of your son's visit.
He sounds like such an awesome person.
A possible ride tomorrow.
Have a great weekend!