Posted : 5/7/2014 4:08:42 AM
Good evening. Normal day at work that ended with a call from Kelly that the neighbor's water was shut off...... Had the stream property disced today and apparently the guy hit the waterline that runs through our property. We have never known exactly where it ran through that property but now we do! It comes under the fence from a water meter about 50 feet from the back of the property, goes in about 4 feet, then turns and parallels the fence and goes to about 20 feet from the back fence..... we've found it in our arena when we first moved in, guess the original owner of the 10 acre parcel that was split into 2 1/2 acre lots ran it that way.... it is a real pain in the rear and our neighbor right next to us thinks it is an easement and we can't do anything to our property where her water line is? Sigh.... we repaired the break and hopefully won't be hitting it again but it is only about 6" under the surface....
Since the property got disced the little neighbor boy took Luna out for the first time and they did some cross country jumping. He "ate dirt" as he called it once but had a blast :) That horse just gets better and better!
Sorry about the mess with the truck, Connie.... You'd think the guy would have just taken care of the ticket..... hate it when I get burned for being generous.....
Bummer about the allergies, Hunter. The honey idea sounds good :)
DH-hope your ride went well. Missing riding.... it was too hot this last weekend and I'll be gone the upcoming weekend.....
The cat has been a real pain lately, getting cranky in his old age, starts digging around in all the papers in my desk no matter how much I pet him, etc. Last night he was being a pill and I blew on him. He bit my shoulder...... Brought in a water bottle with vinegar that we use for the dogs and he is being an angel after one squirt!