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Cry wolf ~ eh, Horse!

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Cry wolf ~ eh, Horse!
  • We have several large parrots who all talk. They are kept in a room at the end of the house facing the stables.  Every morning I to in to feed them, check water, etc., before heading to work.  Each morning they usually yell "Good Morning!  I gotta go to work"  or "Hello!  How are ya!!!" "Bye, see ya later!"  when I go in to feed them. 
    This morning my African Grey, Kota, pipes up with "The horses are out!" Yikes!!!!  Let me tell ya, I had to go out and look.
  • SO good to see you!!!  That's hysterical about those crazy birds. [':D']
    You have some beauties!!!
  • I get so busy doing things WITH my horses while I can during nice weather, that I'm not around the laptop much for posting during the spring, summer, fall.  Sigh....now I have to be inside.....You all will be seeing more of me, so will my birds!!!
  • How funny!!!  Our neighbors have some sort of parrots in cages along our common fence (don't they need protection from the cold and wind and such?) and they say "Ma" like the little girls who live there, whistle like the rancher and imitate the chihuahuas getting disciplined by the bigger dogs perfectly!
  • I'm sure they probably have a nesting or shelter box for the elements.  Remember, in the wild the birds find shelter in trees or holes in trees, depending on the type of parrot.
  • I'll look.  I don't recall seeing any boxes in their cages.  It's been getting into the 30's at night here.  Where we were before, the neighbors had aviaries with heat lamps in them for big macaws.  These guys are about 10 inches long and green?
  • That's so cute!  Of course it might give you pause.