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I give my horses supplements, should I give my dog vitamins?

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I give my horses supplements, should I give my dog vitamins?
  • Just curious if anyone does.  Ms. Misha gets vet care and heartworm and flea medicine.  She eats Iams for big dog puppies and of course, treats.  Do you all do anything that I am not?  I like her food so am not interested in changing that.  Thanks for your thoughts!
  • depends on what you think she needs, we give one of our dogs a vitamin that i cant remember the name of because he has a nutrient defficiency, its not from the food we give him its just there, he was born with it so he chews on different things trying to find this nutrient so when he takes his vitamin he doesnt chew, i cant remember what nutrient it was though...
    other than that we dont supplement our dogs unless they need it, if you think yuor dog needs it then go for it
    oh wait we give them a garlic and something else tablet that helps with fleas and ticks
  • Thanks triplelucky.  No, I don't think Misha needs it and the vet has made no suggestions.  Her coat is absolutely beautiful and she runs and plays all the time.  I just want to make sure she gets everything she needs to be healthy and hopefully live a long life.  She is a big dog so her life expectancy is approximately 10 years.  I want to get to that and possibly stretch that out as long as we can.  It is what we do while she is young that will make the difference.  Just like with us! 
  • your welcome! i have little dogs but my friend had a big dog and he lived to be almost 13 years old and he ate cheeze-its and cookie dough all the time lol he fell off a step and couldnt get back up is how he died he probably would still be alive if that hadnt happened but if shes healthy and happy then im sure she'll live as long as she needs to
  • Besides what's in the Nutrena Loyall food, I give my seniors glucosamine.  One gets pumpkin in his food so he eats better, plus his system is fragile and that helps.  I feed pumpkin to anyone with an upset tummy.  Yogurt for the runs.