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Christmas Puppy!

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Christmas Puppy!
  • [size="2"]My first dog was a rottie mix. She was mostly rott with just a bit of GS in her. Excellent dog. We lost her much too soon to tumors when she was about 9 years old when I was at college. I have been since dreaming about getting another rottie or rottie mix since.

    Well it finally happened. I found out about a oops litter of rottie X husky mixes. Don't know the whole story but teenage son brought husky home and was suppose to have her spayed and didn't in time. Thankfully the sire is a big sweetheart of a rott. The dad said dog had a spay scheduled in 2 weeks so this would not occur again. I really hope he does.

    The puppies were adorable. We looked them over and there were 2 that we really liked. One that my husband especially liked as he handed her to me and said "look at this one". LOL - and he claims he is not an animal person. She had rottie coloring but blue eyes. The 2nd choice was a very chunky girl with a very boxy nose and brown eyes - I bet she would have looked like a pure rott when she grows up. Our 1st choice had a more outgoing personality while our 2nd was a bit shyer and more of a crier. In fact our 1st choice tried to follow us back to the car.

    We did not take a puppy home that night but discussed to make sure this is what was wanted and went back 2 nights later. I was worried that our pics would not be there, but we didn't want to make a snap decision either. We agreed that if both of our picks were gone we would wait at this time.

    So back we went and there were only 3 puppies left. My 2nd pick was no where to be seen but our 1st pick was still there and was the first one to run to greet us! I was so relieved.

    She didn't whine once on the way home and just snuggled in to sleep. She has been a pure joy since coming home.

    As to a name - we finally decided on Lexi. So here are pics!

  • LOVE the giant paw picture!!!  [':D']
    I'm so proud of you for "sleeping on it".  I think that's so smart!! 
    She's beautiful! [':)']
  • Interesting mix. I wonder if she'll keep her blue eyes.

    I'm getting puppy blues here! [';)']
  • Congratulations, Jungle Cat. She's a cutie. I've been pondering getting a second dog for about a year now. Poor Otis stays home alone too much since David died and I still have to work. I think another dog would be good company for him but it's a big decision. Have finally decided I'm ready to do this and been looking on the Humane Society sites in the Willamette Valley and on the coast. Wish me luck.
  • I've got 9 dogs for ya!  Doberman, pit?  Grown-up, puppies, male, female?
  • Durangogramma - Good luck on finding the right one! You must post pics if you get one.

    JC - I hope she keeps them as well, but I think she will.  The puppies with brown eyes already had really dark brown and hers don't have the slightest variation in them from a nice clear blue like you would see if they were starting to change.  Her mamma has such pretty ice blue eyes.

    HS - thanks!  It took a lot of will power not to bring her home that first night, but I'm glad we waited.  It all worked out and we were able to be ready with all the supplies we needed rather than improvising or rushing out to the store that first night. 
  • Aaah, Dana. You're a little farther than I've wanted to drive in my quest for a new doggie.
  • I know, I know, tempting though as it would be a wonderful, forever home which is what we're wishing for....
    Jungle-your girl is gorgeous.  We have a husky and she is such a strong-willed but sweet dog ':)'