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Puppy Mills - FAQ

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Puppy Mills - FAQ
  • If anyone is remotely considering buying a dog from a Puppy Mill or pet store, PLEASE look at this link to Frequently Asked Questions.  You are NOT getting the best animal you can - and will likely spend years dealing with health and mental issues caused by this horrible industry.  Also, you are supporting these wretched people.  My Maggie-Lu was a breeding female and she's so lucky she escaped.  When the owners found her at the shelter they wouldn't even spend the $40 to get her out - THANK GOODNESS!!  Besides the heartworms she had, she probably wouldn't have lived much longer. 
    She has a good life right now except her chair is too small.  And her bed is too big and usually has a boy dog in it.
  • agreed 500%
    I will not even step foot in a pet store that sells dogs. What really makes me mad is that if you ask the manager (or just an employee) why they sell puppy mill dogs or even bring up the subject they respond with "we don't sell them, we get our puppies from reputable breeders". What breeder is going to sell to a pet store that just wants to sell the puppies. Most don't even care who buys them.

    I think that puppy mills should be banned