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Duckies and Chicklets

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Duckies and Chicklets
  • They just came in the mail today! I have no idea what breed the chicks are.  I know they are supposed to all be male.  The ducks are straight run and i have 3 Rouens and 3 Pekins...it looks like one of the Pekins will be crested.  The Rouen that didn't make it would have been crested as well. 

    For those of you who know nothing of ducks Rouens will grow up to look like very large mallards and Pekins will be all white. Both are meat breeds and get fairly large (8-9lbs live weight).  The Pekins will mature faster than the Rouens.

    Last year I got 3 ducklings at an auction.  One was a Rouen, one was mixed, and one was some type of Runner (tall and skinny like Daffy Duck).

    The crested Pekin is the yellow one and the brown is a Rouen.

  • YES!  The one does appear to be crested.  Love them.  There is something about little peepers that just melts my heart.  Where I used to live, I had a small pond and ducks.  Now we have a large stream with a lake nearby but we also have a fox in residence in the back yard.  It terrorizes the barn cats  so I know that ducks would not be safe.   Hubby assures me that the cats would have trouble understanding that peepers are not food animals for them, so no duckies for me.
  • So cute!!!  We had ducks, turkeys, etc. when I was younger.  Loved it when the ducks would come up and do that gentle nibble on you and "talk" to you ':)'  My current dogs are pretty predatory though so no fowl for me either unless it is caged....... hate to do that.  Keep us updated with pictures.  Interesting about the chicks.  What do they expect you to do w/ them?  How sad if they expect you to just let them die ':('
  • Connie, there are many wonderful adoptable former foxhunting hounds!  They'll get your fox!  Course you may not see them for a couple days while they chase 'em! [':D']  They've been trained off of everything except fox and coyote so I'm thinking the coons would be safe, too.  But they are so smart and wonderful, I'm sure they'd learn new responsibilities with enthusiasm! I love them!!!
    Forgot to say, I like your ducks and chicks, sam.  I don't like getting attached to something I'll be eating later - but I have no problem eating them!! May they have good healthy lives and provide many bites of tender, juicy dinner!  [&:]
  • "They've been trained off of everything except fox and coyote"

    Thank you for the 'head's up' on the fox hounds.  There are some local fellows who hunt coyote and maybe they can hunt up this fox.  Not sure if there is a season, but I think there are some regulations about removing predators out of season if they are bothering domestic livestock.  Wonder if barncats count as domestic livestock?  

    Thanks again.

  • I love watching the wild Mallard, Wood ducks and their babies on our ponds.  Sometimes we even have Canadian geese babies too.  My chickens are in a "fort" to keep them safe from coonies, possum and fox.  We use the chickens for eggs instead of dinner,  as I hate plucking chickens when preparing them. 
  • OH!  I meant foxhunting as in: Tally Ho!  View Halloo!  A bunch of drunk folks in stiff English attire falling off horses....  rofl...  It's a lot of fun!! [':D']
  • "OH!  I meant foxhunting as in: Tally Ho!"  Sorry, I misunderstood.  No dogs for me.  I like dogs, but have too many cats to dare invade their territory with a dog.  
  • Coyotes kill cats in my neighborhood (and dogs).  I wish I had some way of eliminating those vermin.  Foxhounds don't chase cats (not the hunt trained ones) but dogs aren't for everyone.  I can respect that. 
    sam I've totally hijacked your thread.  Sorry!!!
  • Don't worry abou it Hunt.
    I didn't know about the fox hounds... it'd be neat to have one of them.  BF has his heart set on a Boxer though. 
    Sadly, 2 of the chicks didn't make it through the weekend.  Ducks and chicks are in seperate brooders now.  I think that will help.  BF's mom wants some chickens now... I said not until we are sure a hen didn't get thrown in on accident.  BF's been working hard on a duck pen.  I think the roo's will probably just free range though when they're old enough.
  • Great pest control!  You can always eat 'em if they fight! [':)']  (I'm hungry....)