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My puppy and his "puppy"

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My puppy and his "puppy"
  • Recently, I found this big, stuffed dog in the garage and brought it in to see if my girls still wanted it.  It spent a couple days lying around and then I noticed that Skyler had started to snuggle with it.  Got these pictures tonight and thought I'd share :)  I also tacked on one of him in "the cone of shame."  This was a week ago when he was soooo sad about having to wear it and would panic if he hit a corner, had his tail tucked to his navel and was shaking, poor guy.  Now he runs around, does fine. He's being really good about not chewing on his leg tonight so I'm giving him a break although probably as I type he's making a liar out of me!



  • Awwww.  Skylar has a litter mate! [':)']
  • Way too cute...thanks for sharing.
  • They're kinda the same color-ish.
  • Aww, I should get Otis a "dog" like that. Though I would probably come home and find one of them has lost all their stuffing in the living room.
  • Yah, so far he hasn't torn this one up but I am in the process of picking up balls of stuffing around the house from the latest squeaky toy casualty!  Annie, the husky has never shown an interest in squeaky toys until we got Skyler.  Now they like to play "keep away" and tear the poor things apart.......
  • That's what my son's 2 yr old dog does. She eventually rips through her stuffed animals and I find stuffing all over the house. Those pictures are toooooooo cute!
  • Carmy used to be SOOO careful with her squeaky toys and now Charlie (son's GSD) decimates them.  It looks like a squeaky toy graveyard.  You can put the stuffing into the end of a dog bed if you have a zipper'd one.