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show colours :S help !

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show colours :S help !
  • I'm new at showing and eventing and i had a question about choosing my show colours. 

    my question is : 
    is it best to have only one show colour or two show colours? 

    i was thinking i would do blue and green.... but is that like too much? should i just pick blue???

    HELP ME! i know I'm obsession but this is all very exciting :) 
  • I say go with what you like and think looks best!
  • I don't think it matters if you have several colors, but I've been told it's best to stick with one color at a time, so if you are wearing blue-everything is blue so you don't look chopped up, like wear a black hat if you have a black shirt and pants, etc.
    What color is your horse?  Pictures!!
  • ooopps , didn't read this closely enough, you're riding English..... so nix what I said about your attire!  You are talking about for the horse?
    My daughter events and loves to color coordinate.  She does a matching pad and splint boots and has breeches for x-country that match, then a similar polo and helmet cover.  Looks great ':)'  She actually has a watermark pattern for one outfit and purple for the other.