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New Horse...Potential?

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New Horse...Potential?
  • Hello all!

          So my new project mare finally had her photoshoot lol and I figured I'd throw her to the wolves :)

    She is an approx 11yr old Morgan/ASB cross (maybe?) who came from AC4H a few years back...She has a LOOOOONG way to go under saddle as she is very anxious and nervous when someone is one her. But I see potential :) I think she is actually quite well put together for a cross IMO. Maybe her heads a little big for her body but I think its cute lol.

    What do you guys think? I apologize if these arent the best pictures, I didn't have anyone to help, let me know if you'd like to see different ones!

    Without further ado...here's Jazzy!

    She usually has her neck craned like the Saddleseat horse she was bred to be...but this picture is why I want to do Dressage with her :) Now imagine that impulsion with her head down...

  • She's a beauty!!  She definitely can move.  I had a morgan/draft cross, loved him soooo much!!  Congrats on your new girl.
  • Gorgeous!!!  I'm so glad you've got her and are happy with her!  I think the nervous comes with the Saddlebred, doesn't it?  Sort of high strung but still trustworthy?  From what little I've seen.  I'd like to hear someone who knows how to critique cuz she looks really nicely built to me!
  • Well, I did go to school for Equine Business Management, and I learned conformation judging there. So I can give my opinion based on that if you wish.
    She is a very pretty horse. I tiny bit downhill on her top line, but nice flat chest. The slope of her shoulder is a bit high as well, I thought Hunter/jumper when I first saw her pics with that long back and long, straight legs (beautiful legs) But then I saw she was shorter than she came across as when I saw the picture of you riding. Her natural head carrage will be high with that shoulder slope, but she has such a soft, expressive face. I don't really know anything about dressage, but conformation wise what you have in this horse is...
    High head set, long stride, watch for engaging the hind end, plenty of room for bend, and beautiful straight legs.
    I used love judging halter classes, never got to do it professionally. Only in college.