Posted : 2/1/2014 12:56:55 AM
Yesterday was uneventful for her other than that she is still in the ICU but nothing new so we'll take it. She also seems calmer, none of the screaming, ranting and agitation. She is definitely confused but she has been in UCI (University of California at Irvine Hospital) for surgery, home, back to a local hospital for pneumonia, then transferred back to UCI for monitoring of the blood clot that developed. Lots of moving around. She has suffered depression for years, since the kids were little but who knows.... she just got diagnosed in the last year with the issue with her spinal fluid not draining properly. She also has a cyst in her cerebellum which causes balance issues. Mix that with basically uncontrolled diabetes and heart disease and you don't have a very healthy person
At least my husband is making changes in his diet and exercise so he does not end up like his parents. We're heading down soon to go visit her.