Early this evening as we were leaving for a ride, we stopped to have my daughter take some pictures. Lady, our new mare didn't want to hold still and started fussing, then backing up. Suddenly, she took off backwards across the road and her hind legs got caught up under her and when she hit the berm at the side of the road, she sat and flipped over backwards, landing on Gary's right side. Took him to Urgent Care and he was transported to the hospital near us for a CT scan which looks "not too exciting" according to the doctor....? They are keeping him overnight and doing a repeat scan in the morning.
I knew something was wrong when he didn't remember what happened, tacking up and we just kept going backwards thru his memory or lack-thereof until we got to July 3rd and I haven't tried to go any further.... doesn't know who our president is, the date, every 2-3 minutes asks why he is there, what happened, why, remembers that his leg hurts....
I wrote down answers to his questions so if he wakes up he has some reassurance. He finally fell asleep just before 2 and now I'm home and heading to bed. I feel horrible..... I chose this horse for him and this was the first time he rode her.... we've ridden her at least 4 times in the month we've had her and she's never been crazy before......
He wasn't wearing a helmet.... can't get him to on a horse...... Anyways, please keep him in your thougts and prayers.....