Hi! I'm new, have a BUNCH of questions, and figured I would start here. I know - take all info from the 'net with a grains of salt....that's the plan....but onward to the questions!
We are located in TEXAS

Specifically Montgomery County, not too far north of Houston. We are bringing our three horses home to live after years of boarding, and while things are neither ideal nor perfect here at the moment, I know I can and have to make this work (the place they are at is wonderful, but they are moving out of state soon, and after a long search to find the 'perfect barn' years ago, I cannot do that again, especially since now I have a place for them at home - I'm a paranoid flyod at heart).
I NEED HELP FIGURING OUT WHAT, IF ANY, PLANTS HERE AT THE HOUSE ARE POISON! AHH! I am no master gardener - I'm doing good to keep one hibiscus plant alive, and even better to know what a hibiscus is. I've googled it, tried to sift through the info, and finally given up. Can someone point me to the "For Dummies" way to figure this out? My husband is no help, he has all kinds of valuable info when it comes to other things, and is a better rider than me, but this stuff...once again clueless! SOMEONE GIVE ME A CLUE! PLEASE!
ETA: IF it helps (may not) the neighbors had their goats/sheep out there for a few months this summer specifically to eat the brush down - they asked, I agreed to share, it's not much better than it was. Is there stuff goats can eat that horses can't? No goats got sick or died to my knowledge...thought that would be valuable info...