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im worried
  • Hi.   
    Some of you may remember the problem I had with my horse colicing (impacted). He had been trimmed and freaked out and flipped over on the cross ties...the next day he was down and was so constipated he grunted when he finally pooped. Then again a month later (I had just started him back on grain..and gave him the equine senior) And then he went down again on easter sunday. We never did know exactly why, but we have had him just on oats and a vitamin supplement. with a better quality hay. SO today I went and got the oats and one bag of Triple Crown Senior. SO we mixes 100lbs of oats with a little less than 50lbs of the Triple crown..since I was a little worried about how it would agree with him, I gave him about half of a scoop..slowly. And he seemed fine when I left about half hour later where as when he got sick on easter he got sick within about ten minutes of eating grain!? My question is the amount and the mixture that I gave him will most likely agree with him since he still had oats with the triple crown?
  •   What you trying to add to the diet with the oats and senior?  Just extra calories?  Adding something that's missing?  If you're adding the oats to stretch the senior, you're just diluting the nutrients.  Can you maintain his condition with just the vit/mineral supplement?  The senior seems to be a trigger as that's a common thread in 2 of the 3 episodes.   He could have an allergy to the alfalfa or BP (unlikely).  If he can eat strait oats, he doesn't have any insulin/glucose issues.  Have you recently done a power pack treatment or dewormed for Tapes?   That's always a good place to start with unexplained colics. Next would be to cut his entire diet down to just hay.  Once you have a good 2 weeks to a month with no episodes, start adding things back (if he needs them) to pinpoint the cause.
      Another oddball trigger is the weather.  What's happening weather wise?  Any similarities with other episodes?
  • The Triple Crown Senior is forage based so besides comprisingn nutrition until you get him changed to full amount of TC he should be fine in fact should have LOWER chance of colic then before
  • I was feeding just straight oats and added a better quality hay since i did not know what this was caused by. I am thinking it was the stress of falling over backwards? Anyway first time he coliced he was on the same feed of oats/omolene100. Then stopped with any grain and fed him more hay. I slowly added equine senior handfuls at a time..and on easter I gave him less than half a scoop, and within five minutes,down he went..but he never rolled he just laid down like he was getting ready to sleep. First time it was very noticeable that he was impacted due to the fact his stomach was very tight. I just recently added the triple crown senior but it looks like a sweet feed so I was worried that it would cause an issue lilke the Purine equine senior did.He does seem to mantain on oats and the vitamins we have, but hes 18 and he still has a few pounds to gain due to lack of care that he had before I got him, and then he lost a bit with the colic trying to adjust his feed! So the Triple Crown Senior is the safest feed that I could feed him besides the oats? I only heard good things about it! I appreciate your help!
  • Triple Crown Senior is an extruded Textured feed NOT a sweet feed. it also contains NO whole Grains!!! so it is a very easy to digest feed
    Triple Crown Senior is a GREAT feed and if you are that worried about impaction soak it before feeding many times impactions are caused from lack of water. Purina Senior is/was grain based which is not good. Oats are high NSC feedstuff BUT they do digest in the stomach not the hind gut meaning less likely to form gases taht can lead to colic
  • Thank you so much. You really eased my mind! I was hoping I made the right choice of feed for him. One more thing. I noticed he eats it kind of quick that could cause colic also? How do i slow him down. I have tried a salt block or somehting in the middle of the bucket but he actually lifts it up with his teeth!! So have been giving it to him slowly and adding hay in with the grain.
  • if your horse eats realy fast put a salt block in the feed i have one in my mares feeder she eats soooo much slower......and yes by them eating to fast it can cause gas colic......(i was typing and didnt notice that u already used a salt block) wow well you can try adding another salt block my friends horse was realy realy bad she had to put 2 salt blocks in her horses feed it finally slowed him down. Hope that helps good luck
  • Water!!! Add water to his feed so he can't eat it as fast and reduces the risk of choke
  • Some horses do have issues with cereal grains but the main thing in preventing impaction colic is water, a lot of clean water. 
    Another thing to consider is adding Equishure, a  digestive supplement to the grain that helps with hindgut digestive issues, i.e hingut acidosis and gas colic issues. http://kerx.com/products/EquiShure/  We have seen quite a bit of success with this product but as above water intake for impaction colics is the number on preventative.  Often though a gas colic can lead to impaction for several reasons depending on several variables.
  • Ya..I cant even give him salt blocks in the holder because he actually bites them..that cant be good for his teeth! I will probablly add water but then I worry about adding to much! As you can see im so worried about this happening at a time where there is no one there. I was lucky both times and was there when he went down. I was thinking about adding a supplement to help with digestion . We do have them on a daily vitamin but dont think it helps with digestion and also wanted to get him a vitamin for his feet but dont think it would be good to add all that supplement together? I really appreciate your help.
  • Also with him I have noticed every so often he will refuse to eat his grain and then a day or two later he will eat it...but will always eat hay. So dont know if that could be a symptom of something, or could he just not want to eat grain.
  • [quote=jesse1995]

    Also with him I have noticed every so often he will refuse to eat his grain and then a day or two later he will eat it...but will always eat hay. So dont know if that could be a symptom of something, or could he just not want to eat grain.

    not showing interest is grain is a sign of ulcers
    You really can't get the feed too wet... I do equal parts or alittle less on water.. what I do is put the water in until the feed stuff is covered barely
  • Back up here and refresh me
    horse's age?
    How much work is he in?
    what type of hay?
    total diet BEFORE first colic?
    Total diet now?
  • [quote=PeggySue]


    horse's age?he is 18 years old.
    How much work is he in?    He is a very light pleasure horse right now, gets ridden about once a week or every other week which started this month, and then gets turned out daily.
    what type of hay? it is a timothy and grass hay mix.
    total diet BEFORE first colic?Before first colic he was on a mixture of oats and omolene 100.. and a less quality grass hay.
    Total diet now?As of today, he is on a mixture of steam crimped oats and the triple crown senior feed. With the timothy grass hay mix.

  • If he were mine I would add alittle alfalfa pellets they have been shown to soothe(sp) ulcers and get rid of the oats... and ensure that he has free choice hay