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Spirit is home!

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Spirit is home!
  • Got to go pick up our boy this afternoon.  Terrible traffic on the way there but he looks great!  Last time he had surgery at a big facility and he was physically shaking when we picked him up.  This time, he looked wonderful :)  He's a little more gaunt than usual, has stitches and yucky where he had his surgery but otherwise seems like his usual self.  We were going to give him his antibiotics in a syringe and he freaked out about that.  Shay was holding onto him and was basically like a puppet on a string...... he was having nothing to do w/ anything that looks medical so we squirted it on his pellets and he ate it up just fine......  He's in a corral by himself next to his buddies.  Got some straw for him to help keep him clean when he lays down but he went out and rolled in the dirt instead..... The other horses were very glad to have him back :) 
    Felt bad bringing him home.  It was 79 degrees down there and 105 at home......  He has to go back for more chemo and chemical freezing of a couple spots in a few weeks but looks great :)
  • SO glad Spirit is home.  It is good that this place took good care of him and he didn't get so stressed.  Home brings comfort and he should recover quickly (at least that is what I hope for him and you)
  • He's being a "pill" this morning and won't eat his pills..... mixed it w/ a bunch of pellets and that's all he gets..... he's watching the other horses eat right now...... but I will win!!  Maybe if I chop up some carrots or something, buy a big jug of molasses to mask the scent.  The bute used to be apple flavored but now it's peppermint and such a strong odor......
  • Since he loves granola bars, I crushed up 4 of them, added some pellets and his pills, poured maple syrup over it and he gobbled them up!  He's looking comfortable, working on keeping the flies off his incisions.
  • Looks like you found the solution!

    <Happy dance