Posted : 2/27/2010 6:10:33 PM
They will act like that when they have an ulcer.
He really should be seen by your vet for an accurate diagnosis.
Since he's already colicked and ulcers can cause colic, I would talk to the vet about putting him on a high quality daily 
re/probiotic for the rest of his life to help the digestive system function properly.
They may even make long-term ulcer-gard products with pre probiotics in them, but I'm not sure.
At any rate, please call your vet. The vet can tell if it is an ulcer. The ulcer won't go away without prescription meds and then discuss what should be added daily to the feed program.
Although a lot of factors can be involved where ulcers are concerned, this winter has been horrible on livestock. Just the frequent, major swings in temperatures can be more than some horses can deal with if they are already on the "queazy side".
Hope this helps