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What's the right way to cool a hot horse?

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What's the right way to cool a hot horse?
  • My horse has been pretty hot and sweaty, even turned out in the pasture.  She has some shade and a run in shelter.  I was going to mist her down yesterday, but thought I had read somewhere that a horse must be cooled in a certain way to avoid making them sick or sending them into shock.  Is it correct that you start at the legs and work up? 
  • You are right to extent.  Yes if your horse is extremely hot and pouring with sweat you do not want to go and cold hose bc you will send the muscles and things into shock.  You could use cool water at first then make it alittle colder has he cools off.  Or you can sponge at first and do some walking  then cold hose. But walking also will help cool a horse out especially if they are huffing and puffing, then you absolutly want to walk until it stops..
    Oh and yes you do want to start from the legs up
  • If its just due to the heat of the weather - I set my hose on a light spray and just mist them all over several times through the day.  In this type of scenario I've never seen problems with starting anywhere on the body.

    Now if they have had a hard work out and they are starting to really sweat or lather, that is when you really need to be careful and slowly cool them with walking and hosing working up the leg.