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Spinal Damage Causing Weak Backend and Neurological Issues- Looking for Similar Cases

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Spinal Damage Causing Weak Backend and Neurological Issues- Looking for Similar Cases
  • Hello! This is my first time ever posting on a forum, but I am looking for some support. I have a 12-year-old OTTB gelding with the sweetest personality and biggest heart. He has always had a weak back end and starts stiff moving under saddle, but this summer he's been worse. I noticed he didn't have the same enthusiasm for jumping and I seemed to have to push him more in the canter. (Very unlike him.) I took him to an amazing vet and found out he has degeneration that's likely the start of ringbone in his front right leg, impinging 15th and 16th vertebrae in his back, and what looks like an old fracture in the spine in his neck that has calcified. The spinal injury in his neck is the vet's biggest concern since he believes it's causing a narrowing of the canal and that's what he believes is causing all of the issues with his weak back end. It is also causing him to be a Grade 1 neurological under saddle. He received injections in his neck, but it didn't work. We are now waiting to hear back from a university veterinarian on an analysis of his neck xrays and cost for a possible myelogram and additional xrays. My question is, do any of you know of any horses who have had this combination of injuries? What was the outcome? Did the horse ever jump again/ ride again? Were there a lot of steps involved? Any advice on what worked/didn't work? Thoughts on a myelogram? Just looking for some similar cases so I have an idea of what's in store. Thanks!
  • Not familiar with your problem, and very sorry to hear that a horse you obviously care about has problems.  Hopefully, someone on here will be able to give you some encouragement.

    On the happier side, WELCOME to our forum.  Join in on our daily chat whenever you feel social.