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Swollen throatlatch and cheeks

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Swollen throatlatch and cheeks
  • Hi all-
      For the past few months, my horse has had swelling in the throatlatch area and in his cheeks (where his molars would be). I had the dentist come out and there was nothing out of the ordinary, so we called the vet. The vet suggested allergies but found a heart murmur and arythmia so it was put to the side for the time being. Now that all of the heart issues are sorted out, I am very interested in finding what is causeing this "come and go" swelling. It seems that the swelling is okay in the morning and very swollen when he comes in from the pasture at night. We currently put him in a new pasture, have him on Tri-Hist, changing grain (for more weight gain) and possibly changing his hay. On October 4th, he was shot with an arrow in the shoulder that went 7 inches toward the withers. He recovered from that and soon after I noticed swelling under the chin where an abcess popped, drained and healed. He had no fever, no appetite change, and the abcess was not that of Strangles. He shows no signs of having Strangles other than the swelling. It is also worse on the right side. If anyone has any idea what this could be, please let me know!
  • Poor horse.  Was it accidental or intentional that he got shot w/ an arrow?  Not many horses can brag about that!
    Sounds like strangles except you said it wasn't and it is somehow related to being shot...... Is he on pasture?  Could be something he is eating or something in the new hay.  I've heard blister beatles show up in hay sometimes and are not good although I couldn't tell you what the symptoms are......
    He is gorgeous BTW!
  • He has no active abcesses and to me it doesn't come off as strangles. None of the other horses have it either. He is on pasture for the first time in years and he was moved to a new barn two nights before he got shot. The shot was more than likely on purpose- nobody was caught but it looked as though he had been shot at twice from a graze on his hip. I don't know how a 17hh horse is mistaken for a deer, truthfully! We treated the wound with antibiotics and there was no obvious infection. Since he moved to a new barn, he changed grain, hay, and was put on pasture.We moved to an indoor for the winter two months ago and thats when I noticed the throatlatch swelling. We got new cuts of hay just today so if it was anything in the hay, hopefully we have gotten rid of it. And thank you! He knows he's handsome too!
  • Did you find the reason for swollen cheeks of your horse...?

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