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my new family member

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my new family member
  • Yesterday my mare gave birth a beautiful and very unusual baby lipizzan boy, I named him Calisto....and he is very playful and happy....I hope he will stay black!!

  • Congratulations on your new baby!

    You do understand that Lipizanners have dark foals, and they turn white as they age. There is a very rare occurrence of them not changing, however.
  • of course that I new that my whole life is dedicated to lipizzans, I said that I hope he will stay black because he has that chance to be black, he has two brothers who are black and his grandma and step sister are black to....

    that is his grandma and her doter...

  • Congratulations on the stunning boy.  Is it typical for your horses to have foals in the winter?  We usually aim for April or March.  Hope you get your wish and he stays black for you!  If he doesn't, you can always send him to me!
  • Congrats on your handsome new boy ! I hope he stays black too since that is what you want. He's a cutie, very flashy markings!
  • SUCH a cutie!!!  Does Calisto mean something?  It sounds .... what.... Italian?
    Anyway I love the name and LOVE the baby!  Good job mama!!!
  • Oh he is gorgeous!!  Reminds me of my Shires with the socks and blaze.  Not to be a downer, but aren't foals that will be black born a mousy grey color>?  That's been my experience- he is really nice either way.
  • Very cute! He's going to be stunning!
  • What a gorgeous baby! Congratulations! A few years ago I had a colt that was solid black with four white stockings and a blaze -- very flashy! He was an Appaloosa and was supposed to have a spotted blanket, but it didn't really matter. He was stunning without it.