Eddo Hoekstra has been chosen to be one of the recipients from the Leg-Up Equestrian Assistance Program's raffle foal fund raiser. Eddo Hoekstra suffered a paralyzing stroke in June, 2012. Just a few weeks before the stroke, Eddo also became a father for the first time, making his stroke even more tragic. His teaching, riding and training are his sole means of support and he is now completely wheelchair-bound and paralyzed on his left side. Fortunately, his speech as not been too seriously impaired and he would love to begin teaching lessons at his stable from a wheelchair and using a headset microphone system. However, the only wheelchair he has is a small, push type and it is completely unsuitable to the uneven terrain of a horse farm and arena. He needs an all-terrain motorized wheelchair – but they cost between $10,000 and $15,000. And, of course, he has household and medical expenses that are mounting very quickly. We are hoping that everyone that visits the Leg-Up website will purchase even just one raffle ticket! Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. And, with the additional bonus that you may win Moulin Rouge d'Avalon (Mannhattan x Faberge'/Frowhind)

. For more information, please visit the Leg-Up website -
http://www.leg-up.org! Thank you everyone for your generous help and support! Avalon Equine - Home of superior Sport Horse Sires! Like us on Facebook!
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http://www.equine-reproduction.com Leg-Up Equestrian Assistance Program, Inc. - A 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization