Hello Everyone. My horse The Gravedigger is one of the 12 finalist on the Farnam Supermodel Contest. I need everyones help. I am running against a horse whose mother really wants him to win and is getting over a thousand votes a day so Digger needs your help. The owner of the other horse is wanting to stay way ahead of us untill the end and she is. I don't know how but she is. Please go to
www.Farnamhorse.com and vote for the Gravedigger. I am trying to get a gaited horse to be in the lime light for once. Arabians are beautiful animals I used to own them but they always have the spotlight so I am really trying hard to get a gaited one in for once. If everyone could help it would be incredibly wonderful. The contest ends Nov. 12th at midnight and you can vote once a day from each email adress you know. If you could also spread the word. Gravedigger is a horse that went Viral on youtube at
YouTube - Amazing smooth Speed Stallion clocked at 25mph in gait