Posted : 1/2/2010 5:35:58 PM
No, you don't need a specific Peruvian saddle. Each horse's back is different and even if you get a "breed specific" saddle there is no guarantee that it will fit. You will most likely be able to find a Western or English that will work - it may just take some time to find one that fits properly.
The best thing to do is either get a local knowledgeable horseperson to help you with saddle fit or research it online. Then learn how to take wither traces and start there in your saddle search. I have two haflingers who tend to be a hard-to-fit breed and ended up going treeless, but as a new horseowner I'm not sure if I would recommend that because treeless can be a bit tricky for mounting and you need decent balance in them. Otherwise they are great for those hard-to-fit horses.
Good luck!