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whats your fav breed? and why?

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whats your fav breed? and why?
  • A good source here : www.therideronline.co.uk

    My personal fav is The Dutch Warm Blood, I am slightly biased owning a beauty called Ronnie... Whats your Fav?
  • Fjords!  They're short enough to jump on without needing a mounting block/rock/fence/flying leap, but they are big enough to haul around a full grown man.  They're sensible, kind, and hard working.  I love my Fjord.
  • Haflingers!!! 

    Just like Fjords - they are short which makes them to get easy to get on and are great for going under branches on the trails, but are stocky enough to carry large people.  Their wide barrels take a up a lot of leg so tall people can ride them.

    They are also beautiful - the golden beauties with stunning white manes & tails.  They are like dream ponies. 

    They are also very curious and friendly.  They love attention and usually demand it. 

    They are very, very smart and learn quickly.  Too smart for some people, but I love it.  My boys keep me on my toes!  They have a mischevious side and it keeps things interesting around the farm.  Their good mind also makes them active partners on trail rides and they try their hearts out for their owners.  They are also very sensible and tend to be less spooky than other breeds.

    They are also versatile.  They can jump well (some over 5 feet w/ a rider), dressage, western, eventing, hunter, harness (draft, light harness, pulling, etc), and of course trail and pack horses. 

    Plus, a haflinger just smells better than other horses.  I don't know why, but they do.  And yes, I am weird and smell my horses.
  • Tennessee Walkers!
    They're good for just about anything, sweet, kind, energetic, and are calm enough for a little kid to ride, but they can provide enough challenge for older riders too. They're also extremely easy to train.
  • I know, dull and boring here---- But I love my Quarter Horses.........  I know the bloodlines I like, I love their personality, flexiblity in being able to do multiple disciplines  PLUS:  When you say to a NON horse person you own a Quarter Horse they act like they know what you are talking about. 
  • [quote=jungle_cat]

    They are very, very smart and learn quickly.  Too smart for some people, but I love it.  My boys keep me on my toes! they try their hearts out for their owners.  They are also very sensible and tend to be less spooky than other breeds.

    Plus, a haflinger just smells better than other horses.  I don't know why, but they do.  And yes, I am weird and smell my horses.

    Fjords are smart too!  As smart as a box of hair!  At least mine is... poor guy, he really tries though.
    And sometimes I make the drive out to the barn *just* to smell my horse, you're not weird.
  • Orlov Trotter. It is the most famous Russian horse, I think. ':)'
    They are so beautiful!
  • Standardbreds!!!  I love my standardbreds.. I think Hunterseat will agree....  I train mine to rack.... here and there I"ll get a pacing one but I like my smooth racking ponies..... They're really smart, and are relatively all gentle, but still have enough spunk and spirit that I like....  
  • Spanish Mustangs are my favorite. I love everything about them. Conformation and color just the way they look. Their history is embedded with Native American and Western culture. Their good work horses, versatile and will do just about anything. They really bond with you and I could go on and on.