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hackney pony?

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hackney pony?
  • I adopted a pony when she was 1 1/12 yrs. old. she is now 3 1/2 . she has feathers on her front so I assume she is part draft. she has ears that are lean and curve in when they perk up. she is bay,white,and black.{paint}. her tail is real thick and straight and is white with a black tip at bottom and her mane is straight and black. and she is now 13.3 hands.great temperment and extremely smart.she also has a nice spring to her step.think she might have Hackney in her? Where I got her from told me Fell, but that is hard to believe since it is a rare breed over here but not impossible. no matter what, I love her..., but if she is Hackney,then it is a great breed.
  • She sounds adorable! Can we see her picture? That might help in trying to tell if she is Hackney. From your description, she sounds a lot like my first pony Tonto. He was brown and white, thick mane and tail, had the long hair over his hooves and they told me he was a welsh X paint. I loved him deeply and he and I have a bond that was never broken. As a matter of fact, he was suppose to be mine and my brother's pony, but he liked my brother, so he was all mine. He would do anything for me, I loved riding him bareback and with only a halter and lead rope. Whenever I took him for a walk, I never even needed a lead rope, because Tonto would walk and stop whenever I did. He was that smart!
  • I read this: The colours accepted in the breed are black, brown, bay and grey. Chestnuts, piebalds and skewbalds are not allowed.
    I'd love to see your pony! Sounds like you've got a good one!