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Been Awhile!! PICS!

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Been Awhile!! PICS!

  • Hey everyone, been really busy lately. wanted to share some pics of Daisy with you all, and my new man Rocky!!

    This is Rocky! I got lucky and he needed a home and Daisy needed a new friend ( Martha went to a new home with other donks & horses)  ROck is about ten years old and packs & rides! he's a solid 13h so he's plenty solid for me! He makes Daisy look tiny!

    sorry the pic is huge!!

    look at that sweet face! ( first day home!)

    This last weekend Daisy learned to cart! ( I got the cart earlier that week and it looked like hell! I took it all apart replaced nearly everything - the only thing original is the frame and rims!)

    donkey cart 48hrs prior to the pic above ( lets just say I was super excited to hook her up to it so it got revamped fairly quickly!)

    another shot of after :)

    and of course some videos!!

    Here's Rocky bugging the living daylights outta Daisy -i've never seen her really play with another donk, so they're a pretty good match. and she def rules the roost!!


    a timelapse of donkey breakfast, not the most entertaining thing on earth but I was messing with the time lapse setting :)

    and IMO the funniest video EVER


  • He's so handsome.  The video is so cute of him with the stick.  It's like he's saying "Hey Daisy, here, take the stick"  Daisy "I don't want your dumb stick...."  Rocky "Oh come on, take the stick, don't be a stick in the mud!"  Daisy "Nahh.... I don't want the stick, duh......"  Rocky "Take the damn stick!"
  • Love your 2 donks!  Wonderful how they took to each other.  Rocky is like the big brother picking on little sister.
    Good job on the cart!