Posted : 8/21/2013 3:29:26 PM
Is there something in her pasture that she's eating? Has any herd dynamics shifted? Are there strange critters leaving poop in the pasture? Do you think she's got some back pain or...?
I had a horse who was having a serious (took him to the vet where he fought tubing for about an hour) choke episode. Before we headed to the vet my horse farm neihbors came over and this horse KICKED my neighbor. This was the horse you could turn a toddler loose around and he'd take care of the baby. He had pain and he acted out.
Is she pooping and is it normal? Gut noises? I just don't know. I'd call Carla. Wait. You don't know my Bowen Therapist, do you? [
] Well, you could email her and ask. She's amazing!