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a horse that cant trot?

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a horse that cant trot?
  • Well, I own a beautiful Quarter Horse gelding called Mr. Lopez. He's about thirteen. He's has a lovely walk and a great canter but he just /can't/ trot. I mean, It's like he can't decide to trot or not. It's all over the place, fast and then slow and its extremely bumby. You can't sit to it and rising to its even harder. It's like he never learnt how to trot. My mum's horsey friend even jumped on him and couldn't sit to it. I don't know what to do about it.

    So if anyone can give me some advice? It'd be greatly appreciated~!
  • Wow!  Australia!  Welcome!

    I'm not a trainer but trot poles might help even things out some.  I rode a little horse that couldn't get a slow trot and I'd push him into a trot, then when he started fast I'd slow him back to a walk.  I did this over and over and over.  Then, when he started fast I slowed him, he was going to walk but I squeezed him back up a tiny bit and got a really nice slow trot out of him!  Quarter horses have such nice slow trots.  I guess some of them just need to be worked into it.  Unless something hurts him somewhere, Mr. Lopez should be able to give you a great slow trot!
  • I agree with Hnterseat.  He may be hurting somewhere.  The trot is the hardest gait for a horse, meaning it requires more work and muscle than a walk or a canter.  Some groundwork lounging him at the trot may help even things up for when you ride him.  If he walks, urge him into a trot with your lounge whip.  If he canters, half-halt him back to a trot.  Keep doing it until he can trot at a nice even pace.  Remember to turn him and go both directions so his muscles develop evenly on both sides.  The added benefit of doing this on the ground is that if he is hurting somewhere, often it is easier to see from the ground than to feel it on his back.
  • Agree with others. I think a physical cause is likely, so I'd be definitely ruling out or treating those issues before attempting to treat it as a training issue. How does he go on the lunge/ground driven/loose in the paddock? Does he trot OK there?
  • actually, thanks everyone for your work~! hes going absolutely fine now. i just had to get him working real hard and then he did it all by himself (okay with some pushing by me) but hes trotting great
  • That's good news....we like to hear that!  Trotting poles is really fun and a great exercise for the horse.
    Enjoy and happy to see you on the board!