Posted : 5/14/2009 10:02:40 AM
I wuddn't tie anything to
any horse's tail, of any breed, for any reason. I do my own version of roundpenning and training, and I get awesome results, and I would never do that, even to the calmest draft or QH. I started with an Arab, and have had them and love them, I find that they pick up just as quick as any horse, quicker than some in fact, but they REALLY hafta respect and trust you, moreso than other horses. They are too smart to just take your word for it. I don't think it takes longer for them to get it as much as they tend to figger things out on a deeper level so it takes longer for them to make sure it is worth it and accept it.
I work with TBs and TB crosses, and they are pretty hyper, especially when babies, now THEY take some time to 'get it'....[
] I had one gelding that I SWORE I had to start from scratch every day.... But when he finally 'got it', he got it all the way, and he was a TB.