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Saddle for a horse with no withers.

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Saddle for a horse with no withers.
  • Any suggestions on saddles for a wide backed horse with absolutely no withers?  Reidar is a Fjord.  He's going to get very wide and he has no withers to speak of... great for bareback, not great for saddle fitting.  I would prefer an english saddle.  Do any of you have any words of wisdom for when I go saddle shopping?
  • I have the same problem with one of my horses. She is wide and no withers so saddle fitting is a challenge. I want a western saddle if someone knows of one that may work.
    Sorry that I'm no help.....
  •   You're in better shape than someone wanting a western saddle.  English and Dressage saddles come in some very wide widths.  The tree widths can be numbered in cm, numbered (1-5) or lettered N (narrow) to XXW or even XXXW.  I rode my drafts in a 32 Stubben (Stubbens tend to run wider than most) until they were 3-4.   They are now in 35 and 37.   If you know someone with an english saddle with a gullet system, try it out.  Might be the most inexpensive way to go while he's growing.  Thorowgood (can't vouch for the quality) makes some VERY wide and relatively inexpensive synthetic saddles.  Duette makes a nice quality dressage saddle at a resonable price (1K) with special order trees up into the 40's.
      I've never put an English saddle on my Fjord but I can check him in the morning.  I ride him in a slick fork on semi QH bars and he's fine (and he is FAT and witherless)
     If you are ever in the market for a western saddle, they make scaled downed draft saddles and market them as Haflinger saddles with 6-7 inch gullets.
  • I have a very hard to fit little Belgian, very short backed and mutten withers. A friend told me of a Company who custom makes Saddle for under 900.00, they are www.southerntrailssaddle.com

    What a life saver, Saddle fit perfect.

  • Duett makes some very nice saddles that fit ':)'
    I own the Allergro in a size 36 [:-] she seems to really be inbetween that and a 34 so it's just been stuffed to fit her [':)']
    My friend has one of the dressage saddles and wouldn't trade it for anything of course it took her 3 other brands till she found this one that really fit.